Friday, March 30, 2012

At the request of readers: fun of the web-studio

His first public site I made for my department at the university. This site was terrible, but I liked it. The site was in pure html and updated hands. However, it is updated infrequently. Not sure also that he was generally in demand. But I did not care, I made ​​a site.

His first major site I did when arranged in a web -studio. I just found the old site, and said - make a new. It was my job all month. Regional portal for the construction of. Surprisingly, I even wrote a while my first parser, as one client was taking the information in the catalog in Excel. So I passed the exam and left in place.

Almost in the first months of my work in web studio rearrangement occurred in the army of designers. Young led a one-time manager of the studio of a leading designer, betrothed her to another office. And another leading designer, part-time drug addict and alcoholic, struck his head with a hammer to one of the technicians in a state of delirium tremens at home. And the furniture in our room was so that me and my webmaster had to sit with his back to this designer. And he came to work with a hangover is almost always a couple of hours to fill up on the desktop. So I felt with the rear of a very uncomfortable. But the chef did a month later drove him. And we were basically no designers, with the exception of the trainee, but no new injuries.

When I left the web studio, I had a salary of 230 bucks for a four-day. And when he returned for six months, I put 600 bucks for a 4- hour working day. Incidentally, I did not call numbers - it was an assessment of the owner. And at that moment I realized that I became a professional.

When I left the web studio, the year is not involved in site. Thought for some reason that 's how I break the corporate ethics, if I make websites, working on a. Although no one I did not put any conditions. However, hunger is not my aunt and I had to return to production sites.

I was not a first client, but two. My godfather in the business world - wholesaler of computer equipment. And derevopererabotchik. Design a website to draw myself, the other - my aspiring designer. Both options were bad. But they were received by the client. For the first design did not play any role, and the second and the site was not really needed. But remember, I was almost finished with joy for his first orders.

Once I was dragged into the development of video chat. Then just started a fashion for half-naked girls on live screen. I spent six months on a thorough study of the topic. And when he had already made ​​a video chat, investors quarreled and fled, leaving behind a pile of debts. Analyzing the nature of the problem I was very surprised, as you can so easily apply to such a serious investment. In fact, more than a million rubles was ejected into the air, not counting debt is almost the same amount. I think that the practice of adolescent warmth, like a good experience none of the unnecessary.

Major breakthrough came when I was attracted to work on the site for a leading business magazine in the city. I did it for free. In barter, which was then successfully used in the form of three bands in the same journal in the year. It was the first and last in my life work on the site, when brought to the creation of TK -party specialist. The site was a good, but of TK it was almost nothing left, as is usually the case when working on large site. The magazine no longer exists, but it was his work on the site gave me a real start in life, when they began to come, to call clients with the words 'you must have some tough guys, once we saw your layout in the magazine '.

The most expensive site happened quite by accident - the client walking down the street and saw a sign on the development of web sites (not even us, as a partner, we have absorbed ) and asked to create a complex site for real estate in 4 languages. I prihuel of puzzles, but decided it did. The cost of the site was more than two thousand euro. In total, we were busy with this site for about six months. When done, the client because they really did not take advantage and. The preservation of the domain, but when one tried to call the client, it is no longer serviced by this number.

On average, every tenth site are in demand not. Paid and not taken. Such partly paid and left the client site for a year typed pieces 07.05. Some empty, some filled. For some clients occasionally rang, but the situation does not change. Since last year I began to put on such sites glanders, to compensate for at least Hosting.

One anonymous caller began to swear. I could not understand it until he figured out that the claims of our daydzhestnomu site with news for the region. The man found his own press release and tried to shake the right. I explained the essence of the project, Comrade efface himself and said goodbye. However, these free projects have brought us the second largest order in the Forums. At least that is how the customer explained his choice in our favor. And not because our proposal was half the price.

The only person I fired his entire career with the scandal, was my web programmer. For three months he has done work site instead of ten and a half of planning, for the most part engaged in the programming of its turn-based online game. The funny thing is that a couple of years later, called his mother and tried to bring something to us, taking us for a completely different office. Looks like the son has not vouchsafed to explain that he was fired, giving us for the current job.

I could never really explain to relatives what I was doing and quickly stopped these attempts. They had somehow understood the word ' advertising ', but ' sites ' put them into a stupor. Similarly, it is now easier to explain that I travel company than the web-studio. Although this is a business of his wife. But the fact that people do not understand scares them.

Like pricing policy in the region stand, but I am constantly confronted with a lack of understanding. People frown in response to the price and link to their relatives, which could make it a site for 100 bucks. Previously, I was trying to explain something, now, just send to their relatives became. Maybe I'm not really right, and Bob will do a better. By the way, sometimes come across a very responsible Vasey, making high-quality product. But to do for the same price, I can not on its objective reasons - I have a production of more.

In the beginning was considered to be the two thousandth sites by the number of pages. Until now, some customers are trying to bring down the price, hoping that the number of pages they have minimal. Until they do not reach, that is to start production must spend time and money. A number of pages - a piece will come with time and depends essentially only on kontentschika.

Early on in my career I realized that the same site could in fact be different money. The margin is mostly nonsense client. What is more stupid than the client, then the greater the improvements, and thus less likely to pay adequate. Therefore, it is better to vlupit with a stock than to beg for pennies on the revised. And that's a good project and good client will almost always be adequately. So the price of gosproekty on the Internet I have never been surprised. mark-up there.

Have never been to the site and ordered the company did not call you at a meeting before the signing of the contract. To pozyrit on you. It was the most stupid and incomprehensible meeting. Even on the recommendation of. You come, you wait 10 minutes before the hour and a half. Then he enters the room first person who looks at you briefly, in passing, asked something and you say goodbye. Why was this necessary? . But the ritual of the first night firmly observed among managers.

The most - same question from a customer - is the ' who cares ', to the fact that we need to collect this stuff and do more than make a fuss about the client's end of contract. After all, did the site no longer laksheri is a shovel, which the client will then pull Salvage. And it's much more to be interested in the completion of work on the site. Synergy in common, but rarely - most often, or shaking your client, customer or you. You can not love all customers equally. You just have to do a good job.

Sign up. to update the blog with one click!. Read on Twitter!. ::. Advertising blog.

How to fix the problem with hanging YouTube videos in Chrome

The latest version. Google Chrome 16. 0. 912. 77 m. there is a very nasty bug with the service YouTube. Personally, I have, it appears in the following way: when I try to close the scanned spot, it is a universal freeze and crash the browser plug-in Flash. This situation does not suit me, and you probably also. Therefore, I suggest you a couple of tips that for some time settle the confusion!.

The first thing I want to note that the Chrome developers are aware of this bug and is already complete elimination of this error in the new version of Chrome. So come soon. Now for the methods that will allow you to ' get around ' this bug. I must say that such an arrangement is possible that the person you have my advice would be inoperative, so do not blame me if something suddenly will not work. So, after such a prelude, we go to our ' hacks ':.

  1. Let's say you have seen video on YouTube. Now you need to close. To do this go to any other table, and only then close the tab with a roller!.

  2. You can set the time.
    Chrome Canary. In which this bug I have not noticed.

Using the first option for a long time. While he gave me never led. Try it and do not forget to unsubscribe. Maybe I'm just so lucky.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Tell us about the latest toys that are hooked. All of a sudden be something like. I recently installed Disciples 3, but it turned out that pirates game (do not trust the shop!), It's time to make with the glitches and raises Kaspersky each time you start. And the gameplay itself was not much compared with the second version - should think less and more rock hero.

Wife on February 23 presented to the console Star Wars 2 Unleashed - platformers games annoy the need to develop coordination of movement. Each episode - a set of tuned finger movements on the joystick. And this particular set of keystrokes. Pichalka! .

And what games are relevant to you today? .

Monday, March 26, 2012

Lithuania - the distinctive features

On the streets of many German and Japanese cars. Perhaps this is a purely zamorochki Klaipeda, but around the solid Opel, Volkswagen, Audi, Mercedes, Toyota, Mitsubishi, Suzuki. American and Korean cars are very few. Contrary to expectations, there are not many new cars. Given the terms of lending and leasing, could be more.

Yet the city has a track of red brick - especially for cyclists. As a special bicycle racks near shops.

As a commentator wrote later in Lithuania, many retailers. The largest food - it's Maxim and Ica. As part of both networks is as hypermarkets and small shops near the house. There is a specialized network for the sale of equipment. But all at prices about the same. So go for a refrigerator in Lithuania should not be. As for the clothes but.

Another distinctive feature of Lithuania - the beer. Of course, there is full and other alcohol, but nothing is as diverse as beer. This stems from the huge number of breweries for a small country. This Shvituris and Kalnapils and Utenos, and about 3-5 smaller plants. Each brand has its fridges, its coasters in bars, their umbrellas, their Superpack and even the shape of bottles. By the way, all the bottles in Lithuania recurrent. When buying a beer, you can take exactly the same number of empty bottles and get a discount on the glass.

The appearance of specific residents, but the fairer sex -specific. Males had a chance to be noticed in the same or even Moscow, Kaliningrad.

Almost all speak Russian. Older people better at understanding the younger, but they say little. However, I knew Lithuanians said that young people in recent years trying to learn Russian, Kaliningrad is still one of the major consumers of goods of Lithuanian. And do Kaliningraders even after entering the Schengen visas will still hook or by crook trying to get business visas and travel to Lithuania and the rest for food.

I have to go for breakfast. Photos are now. Although, frankly, nothing much to shoot. Is that the street cleaner - clean them better and more.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The most important thing in the site

Admin (engine )? .

I'm a whore, for the idea and content. Jobs for the design and idea. Gates for the admin area and market. Yandex for the content and the dissimilarity. Google for the admin and content. Who is right?.

Sign up. to update the blog with one click!. Read on Twitter!. ::. Advertising blog.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Raising the rates for N, luxury and coupe

For the second year of Railways decides to raise fares by 5%. In 2009, a similar index was 12 % in 2010 - 10%.
The decision on indexation in the unregulated segment of the state traffic by 5% FIC receives the second consecutive year. In 2010,. index was 10 % in 2009. - 12%.
The practice of using the index rate, separated by periods of the year, will continue in 2012.
Rates of passenger service long distance for 256 days in 2012 will be lower than or equal to sredegodovym indicators. Higher rates will be valid for 110 days.
With regard to growth rates for travel in reserved seats and general cars, this issue is regulated by the Government. Presumably, to January 1, 2012 tariffs on passenger service in general and reserved seats cars will grow by 10%.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

HTML5 book, look...

The book works well on the Canary, Chromium, Chrome and Firefox. references:. tyk. and. tyk.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Official: Introduction to the Web platform in 3 parts

Three lessons from the video. Alex Komoroske. Of course, if anyone is interested!.

Runet begins ' oguglivatsya '?

google11All last year there was talk about the expansion priblezhayuscheysya Google. Like, comes this giant on the Russian Internet market and crush domestic services. However, this process has turned sluggish, and the explosive growth in popularity of Google, we have not waited. Only at the end of 2007 changed the balance of power - to generate traffic Google still ahead of ... According LiveInternet. ru in December, the share of ... In January of this year, this trend will continue - Google indexes and ...

Google: secrets of success.

In 2007 Google made a number of marketing steps that will undoubtedly impact on the current performance of the company in RuNet. This information support MAKS 2007, and the party with the bloggers and students, as well as ... Considerable contribution to the popularization of the company has made a popular and localization services, such, for example, as Google News, YouTube, Google Maps, Gmail, or iGoogle Gadget.

telnews. ru.

Quick Start project

Over the past couple of weeks, I knocked out the statistics about 50 projects (about 10 I worked with the others, access to the statistics which I have ). It is quite obvious things revealed. Total, if you work in a model of B2C (B2B did not check ), then on average half a year you will have 4-5 times more users, and a year 3-4 times more users on similar products, if you start with versions for .
- Google Crome.
- Safari.
- MacOS.
(versions for IE, FF, Opera, Vista, Win7).
Note - Statistics for the plug-ins for browsers shows even better results.

- Geeks, are the same catalysts and deprive their attention does not make sense.
- Investments in developing additional versions of the product recovered more rapid growth of users.
- At the start of the statistics is better to take readers to TechCrunch, and in RuNet Habrahabr.

Actually, everything is obvious, but for some reason no one does not take into account.

PS. Statistics analyzed after receiving another response to the letter with a request to test a product like ... I decided to check whether it makes sense to invest in razarbotku to most experts and bloggers could give fidbek Product.
PSS. Got a few questions on soap.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Phantom Lapboard goes into retail

80868We already wrote about the development of Infinium Labs, called the Phantom Lapboard. Remember, this is kind of a wireless control that combines a keyboard and swivel stand for the mouse. The potential of this device is really a very big. In the future, it should allow users of desktop computers off away from the screen and eliminates the need to use a flat surface for placement of control devices.

Now the construction of the new Infinium Labs developed, and is included in the scope of wireless mouse. The location of buttons on a keyboard device similar to the keyboard laptops. The form of the mouse is unusual and raises doubts about its ergonomics. Also, most gamers would prefer to see her a few extra programmable buttons and the ability to adjust sensitivity.

Phantom Lapboard accessory will hit U.S. stores in July for $ 130.

Monday, March 19, 2012

CeBIT 2008: Sony Ericsson announced the T303 phone

news_14437_1_MDAt CeBIT 2008, held in Hannover, Sony Ericsson unveiled its new phone - T303. He carried a small package form-factor ... Phone is designed to work in networks GSM 900/1800/1900 MHz, equipped with a 1.8- inch screen that supports 65,000 colors and 128x160 pixels, FM-radio, TrackID feature to instantly determine the names you like the song, built-in audio player, and .

With regard to the amount of internal memory, it is only 8 MB. Obviously, it can be increased through the use of memory cards. The phone's dimensions 83h47h14 7 mm, and weight - 93 grams. The standard battery provides up to 9 hours of talk time and 400 hours standby time. T303 will be available in mid- 2008 in two colors - gray and black. The price not yet known, but it is clear that it will be very low.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Apple iPhone 5 debuts in September and October

iPhone sixth generation debut a year after market entry iPhone 4S. The debut of the new model is expected in September or October of this year, according to Japanese life Macotakara, referring to a ... From now on, every year, Apple will follow this cycle and to introduce new iPhone models each fall.

Fall premiere of 4S broke the previous annual cycle. Instead of having to go out in June-July, the flagship smartphone of this series debuted in October 2011.

Starting a new model in the season of Christmas celebrations lived up to expectations. During the last quarter of the year, Apple sold a record number of smartphones that in quantitative terms to 37 million iPhone. Therefore, the summer release of the iPhone 5 was excluded from the plans for 2012, so as not to overshadow the success of the previous model and allow users to fully enjoy the benefits of 4S until it is morally outdated.

Another spy toy in an unexpected disguise

news_13185_4_MDIn short, if you re planning a secret operation, or an intriguing secret videotaping the event, this option is definitely worthy of consideration. Previously, we reported the readers of the least curious recorders as a ring on your finger or an ordinary pack of cigarettes. Manufacturer Ajoka is its sudden creation, executed in the form of a belt buckle. Miniature recorder offers the possibility of recording video in 3GP format at 15 frames per second, 176x144 resolution. One charge of the battery allows you to capture images up to 33 hours (as a memory supports microSD cards and the like up to 2 GB ).

Charging and synchronizing with a PC is via USB-cable. So far, however, it is not clear how successful the results will be taken, and how generally manages secret devaysom. It is possible to obtain answers to these questions should wait until the network will be filled with ... But the idea is at least the original. Dates of appearance in the sale of the device and its price is still unknown.

mobiledevice. ru.