Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Runet begins ' oguglivatsya '?

google11All last year there was talk about the expansion priblezhayuscheysya Google. Like, comes this giant on the Russian Internet market and crush domestic services. However, this process has turned sluggish, and the explosive growth in popularity of Google, we have not waited. Only at the end of 2007 changed the balance of power - to generate traffic Google still ahead of ... According LiveInternet. ru in December, the share of ... In January of this year, this trend will continue - Google indexes and ...

Google: secrets of success.

In 2007 Google made a number of marketing steps that will undoubtedly impact on the current performance of the company in RuNet. This information support MAKS 2007, and the party with the bloggers and students, as well as ... Considerable contribution to the popularization of the company has made a popular and localization services, such, for example, as Google News, YouTube, Google Maps, Gmail, or iGoogle Gadget.

telnews. ru.

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