Friday, November 2, 2012

Email Extractor. How to extract emails from forums, blogs, websites?

The next topic is about useful software named as email extractor which I recently found. It extracts email addresses from websites, blogs and forums. Email extractor can search email addresses on blogs, forums, Facebook, Youtube or in any other place where customers are hanging on.

You might not know where your prospects live Use these keywords in email extractor and it will search and extract all of them in search engine like bing and then extract emails from all of them. Have you ever known where your potential customers hang on on internet ? they are live on social networks like facebook, twitter, forums, blogs. You can extract all emails from documents, text, files.

Email extractor application is useful when you have to contact people and boast about your products. Extract emails from sites Enter site/blog/forum name you want to scan and extract email addresses. Email extractor can also search emails in mail boxes, files , and so on.

Sometimes you don't need to scan and extract emails form the whole site . Just enter pages urls and email extractor will do the work for you. Sometimes you have cool product or service and you don't know how to make it famous. You must start advertising it. They all have email addresses. Some of them leave contact info such as phones, emails on websites open.

One of the easiest ways to say about your product/service is to contact potential customers. In some cases you might not know websites you need to extract emails from but you know some keywords describing your customers. What you need to do is to enter relevant keywords in the textbox of application and press start button inside email extractor. Do you know how to collect people' emails from forums and blogs ? You can search them manually by using any search engine or let this work do to email extractor.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Good suitable steam cars

They appeared first. They were built in incredible amounts of all types and forms. I chose the most interesting of them, to your taste.

more ».

Monday, June 4, 2012

The consequences of the hurricane ' Rina ' in Mexico

October 26 forecasters warned the Mexican government about the upcoming cyclone ' width ', who moved to the state of Quintana Roo. The state has been declared a storm warning, in some southern areas of Mexico it was even on the status of disaster. October 28 at some hotels at full speed were preparing to evacuate tourists. Fortunately, the cyclone tropical storm ended, and the situation normalized.
Time is now resting on the Caribbean coast about 6-7 hundred Russian tourists.
Currently in Mexico there is only one direct flight every 10 days, there are flying planes ... However, since late October - early November, Aeroflot is also launching the route to Mexico.
Hurricane ' Rina ' bypassed the Dominican Republic and Cuba, had no effect on these countries kurortkah.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

SaaS and Windows Azure with David Chappell

October 20th I was lucky enough to visit the zakrytomseminare David Cheppela (. http://www. davidchappell. com. ) devoted to the peculiarities of the development and promotion. SaaS. solutions nabaze. Windows. Azure. Upon arrival, immediately went into a business center, could not wait to see the world-. IT. guru. Dlyateh, who do not know I say that David most of his time posvyaschaetchteniyu lectures, writing articles and books have addressed. IT. professionals. His books have been izdanyna dozens of languages ​​and are regularly used in courses. MIT. ,. ETH. Zurich and other universities. In his practice he has advised clients such as. Hewlett-Packard. ,. IBM. ,. Microsoft. ,. Stanford University. and. Target Corporation. vnedreniyanovyh about technology, elimination of market for new products and customer training isotrudnikov. However, this does not prevent him run his own lucrative uspeshnoyi. IT. - by. Chappell. Well, besides all this, David - a specialist marzes ...

The schedule planned for the performance of David pervuyupolovinu days, after which the game entered the Ukrainian partners. Microsoft. ( including udalosvtisnutsya and our company with the project ... Windows Phone VKontakte Client. ), Spoke about their experiences with the platform. Windows. Azure. WSS projects. Report of David was divided into two parts, between which bylzaplanirovan coffee break. Actually about the report. The first thing you want byotmetit - is of course of the narrative style and work with the audience. David, a great orator and demeanor on stage, as well as a method of interaction sauditoriey he should learn. Believe me, not sleepy, even nesmotryana early morning and night, jolting in the train. The technical part of the report on bylanapravlena. IT. professionals who sell their applications in accordance with the principle of ... Software. as. a. Service. ... The main focus of the first time the report was made on the business component of the development on the basis of. SaaS. Have been widely rassmotrenyplyusy and cons. SaaS. for vendors and their customers. In addition, David detalnorasskazal on the parameters of the business model for. SaaS. : Pricing and sales process.

In the second part of the report, David talked about the technological aspects of. SaaS. Were zatronutyplatformy applications. SaaS. How was the first who began to extend its application to model. SaaS. Were the guys from the States, but specifically a company. SalesForce. - razrabotchikodnoimennoy. CRM. system provided to customers solely on the model. SaaS. Also, what kompaniyaprodvigaet their decisions on the basis of. SaaS. She is also very active in other areas. under the name. Force. com. kompaniyapredostavlyaet. PaaS. Self - platformudlya application development, and brand. Database. com. - Cloud system upravleniyabazami data. As for me the second part of the report was much boleeuvlekatelnoy. In addition to the above, David scratched the surface servisovot. Microsoft. , Rasprostranyaemyhpo principle. SaaS. - a. CRM. Online. ,. Exchange. Online. ,. Sharepoint. Online. And. Office. 365.

Toward the end of the presentation, David told bazovyeveschi and the current state of ... For example, the Otomi were told, what are the other players in the field of Cloud:. IaaS. and. PaaS. According to David all the same for future applications based on. PaaS. , And of course for razrabotkiprilozheny on this principle is the best suited. Windows. Azure. According Cheppel, applications based on. PaaS. have several advantages, including:.

  • more control.

  • better scalability.

  • Excellent expandability.

  • High Security.

Upon completion of the report, David was given a set of questions. Almost all, David has successfully coped. Those questions that vyzvaliopredelennye complexity or demanded long answers were in the lobby perenesenyDevidom (alas, but after the report Cheppel mysteriously somewhere toischez ). In principle, the seminar can be considered quite successful. Bylidany detailed characteristics. SaaS. as well as basic concepts. PaaS. ,. IaaS. and. Windows. Azure. Well, except we had the opportunity to meet and see the speaker and vzhivuyuprekrasnogo. IT. - guruDevida Cheppela!.

And finally, I certainly had sfotkatsya with David!.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

10 days in the Microsoft

a. The very first impression of Microsoft - is the mass of information, tons, gigabytes and terabytes, and that there is more, all need to learn and understand. No one tried to drink from a fire hydrant?. (The comparison is not mine, but I really like. ). If you want to get an idea of ​​how much information is necessary to assimilate newcomers to Microsoft, you can try:) A lot of courses, documents, presentations and videos on a variety of.

2. The second impression, which is increasingly growing: Microsoft is very well organized. If anyone doubted it, I can assure - the organization is at a very high level, ranging from organizing a conference -calls and the little things ( important and nice ) like sliced ​​lemon slices in the kitchen (with good coffee, which is also important ). Business processes, planning marketing campaigns and organization of meetings - all very well adjusted and taken very logical and understandable. On the question of ' drinking water from a hydrant ...

3. Frankly, I first saw what. is really powerful stuff. Exchange, and to be honest, I was pleasantly surprised that it can be used to meet the needs of the rapid exchange of information in such an information- intensive companies such as Microsoft. On the other hand, it is not surprising, it is likely he grew from local needs, where else can use it to its fullest.

4. Despite the high degree of organization, do not feel that you have enlisted in the army:) Honestly, I was afraid of this option. In my previous experience working in large organizations, the lack of ability to organize work is often compensated by the abundance of overt and covert ' charters ' and some psevdovoenschiny. Thank God, there is no such.

5. In Microsoft democratic manners. This applies to the dress code, and everyday language. There are a lot of young guys (and girls, and cute:)). All the ' you ', immediately and without brotherhood:). However, it is typical for U.S. companies (not all, of course).

6. Now open for immediate work:. SS and SaaS in full work in Russia. That which is not expected to see, so that the ' software as a service ' now actually works and people are already earning him. In those days they had become acquainted with. incubation center for S S. Created in a partnership of Microsoft and Parking. ru, the approach has a couple of points. As reference, I will write about them and about the practical implementation of more specific SS. T. e. while most thoughtful vendors scratching their head, that is SS and SaaS, and how to cook, nimble explorers have gathered the cream.

7. Another opening for business - Microsoft delivers software to rent. Honestly, did not know it, here is the true cross, do not think for advertising:). If you're hosting company or simply own a pair of servers in a rack, you can make a deposit to rent software in much the same, as does the hoster infobox: here we go. http://infobox. ru / business_solutions / virtual_office /. , Look at the 1C- accounting for Terminal Service ( who's afraid to recover the computer? Here is the solution:).

8. Do not open, and the confirmation of the thesis that ' a small world, like a suitcase ' - has found friends who work in MS. Still, the IT community, we are not very large. All the more reason to meet more often:).

9. A small addition to opening for democracy - it's full of people with the iPhone ( which I recently joined). By the way, just be friends on iPhone with Exchange. However, I still get the corporate HTC and play with the new Win Mobile.

10. And finally: Windows 7 - not a bad thing:) It works smartly and new pieces, Druk it useful and cute. So I have Vista, it seems, did not popolzuyut, just moved from XP to 7- ku.

PS Continue ' Three Men in a server ' - tonight!.

Friday, May 25, 2012

The program GDD- 2010 and other news

Preparations for the Google Developer Day 2010 Russia is in full swing, and today we are announcing the conference program. It can be found at:. www. google. ru/gdd2010. ( learn it - the full link to long ), which will soon also be available descriptions of performances, biographies of speakers and lots of other.

This year, the days are a developer, in addition to Russia (Moscow), and also in. Czech Republic ( Prague). ,. Germany ( Munich). ,. Brazil ( Sao Paulo). and. Japan ( Tokyo). We have prepared a rich. program. - Because you want so much to tell and show - which we hope will be of interest to all present. Talk about everything, of course, does not succeed, because the GDD - one-day conference, but we selected the best.

In general, emphasis will be on three topics (which will run three parallel streams ):.

  • Android. The platform is rapidly gaining momentum, and we want to talk about its success and continue the conversation with you, the developers of applications for Android. We will share news, as well as carry out the section devoted to the performance of Android, user experience platform and tips for creating killer applications, as well as delve into a new feature of the OS - send commands directly from the cloud to the device (. Cloud to Device Messaging. Or C2DM).

  • Chrome and HTML5. We will discuss how to write an application for. Chrome Web Store. (. Russian name has not yet come up, help. ) And accelerate the development and application performance. We clearly demonstrate which aspects of HTML5,. Developer tools in Chrome. and. Native Client. can bring you a favor in your projects. Finally, we will talk about authorization, and everything associated with it and show where and when to use different tools authorization and how they integrate with our services and API.

The main part of the intake section of the demo ( opening ) will hold tolite Eric (Erik Tholome), director of product developers, to help him be Evgeny Sokolov, Ph. D, - head of the Moscow center of the development of Google, - and other speakers. Almost all of the sections will be conducted in English, and we will provide simultaneous translation - if necessary you can take the receiver and headphones.

Last year we held the first section devoted to venture funds and startups, and it generated much interest. This year we once again invite the venture capital fund to talk about what they are looking to start-ups and to answer your questions.

Many sections will also contain a statement of local developers who use Google's technology in their projects. If you would like to speak to one of the sections with a history of success, practical advice and examples of the development of our tools, please contact us at developerdayru @ google. com, and we will review your application.

The program provides space for the ' Corner Open House ' - a place where at certain times of the speakers will answer your questions and solve your problems (or almost ). Schedule corner will be available later - then be sure to check what time it will be necessary to you a representative of Google. Googlers can be seen in the crowd - safely come and ask questions.

Also at the conference a separate thread will perform Russian. GTUG. and (Google Technology User Groups - a group of developers ) from different cities of Russia. They talk about their projects, share their experiences and help you find ( or have ) GTUG in your city. Be sure to look for them!.

GDD in this year will be held at the Exhibition Center Crocus Expo ( 65-66 km. Ring Road, next to the subway ' Myakinino ').

We plan to open registration on 22 September. Stay tuned in. blog Google Russia. on. site GDD. or on Twitter. @ gddru. (our hash -. ).