Wednesday, May 30, 2012

SaaS and Windows Azure with David Chappell

October 20th I was lucky enough to visit the zakrytomseminare David Cheppela (. http://www. davidchappell. com. ) devoted to the peculiarities of the development and promotion. SaaS. solutions nabaze. Windows. Azure. Upon arrival, immediately went into a business center, could not wait to see the world-. IT. guru. Dlyateh, who do not know I say that David most of his time posvyaschaetchteniyu lectures, writing articles and books have addressed. IT. professionals. His books have been izdanyna dozens of languages ​​and are regularly used in courses. MIT. ,. ETH. Zurich and other universities. In his practice he has advised clients such as. Hewlett-Packard. ,. IBM. ,. Microsoft. ,. Stanford University. and. Target Corporation. vnedreniyanovyh about technology, elimination of market for new products and customer training isotrudnikov. However, this does not prevent him run his own lucrative uspeshnoyi. IT. - by. Chappell. Well, besides all this, David - a specialist marzes ...

The schedule planned for the performance of David pervuyupolovinu days, after which the game entered the Ukrainian partners. Microsoft. ( including udalosvtisnutsya and our company with the project ... Windows Phone VKontakte Client. ), Spoke about their experiences with the platform. Windows. Azure. WSS projects. Report of David was divided into two parts, between which bylzaplanirovan coffee break. Actually about the report. The first thing you want byotmetit - is of course of the narrative style and work with the audience. David, a great orator and demeanor on stage, as well as a method of interaction sauditoriey he should learn. Believe me, not sleepy, even nesmotryana early morning and night, jolting in the train. The technical part of the report on bylanapravlena. IT. professionals who sell their applications in accordance with the principle of ... Software. as. a. Service. ... The main focus of the first time the report was made on the business component of the development on the basis of. SaaS. Have been widely rassmotrenyplyusy and cons. SaaS. for vendors and their customers. In addition, David detalnorasskazal on the parameters of the business model for. SaaS. : Pricing and sales process.

In the second part of the report, David talked about the technological aspects of. SaaS. Were zatronutyplatformy applications. SaaS. How was the first who began to extend its application to model. SaaS. Were the guys from the States, but specifically a company. SalesForce. - razrabotchikodnoimennoy. CRM. system provided to customers solely on the model. SaaS. Also, what kompaniyaprodvigaet their decisions on the basis of. SaaS. She is also very active in other areas. under the name. Force. com. kompaniyapredostavlyaet. PaaS. Self - platformudlya application development, and brand. Database. com. - Cloud system upravleniyabazami data. As for me the second part of the report was much boleeuvlekatelnoy. In addition to the above, David scratched the surface servisovot. Microsoft. , Rasprostranyaemyhpo principle. SaaS. - a. CRM. Online. ,. Exchange. Online. ,. Sharepoint. Online. And. Office. 365.

Toward the end of the presentation, David told bazovyeveschi and the current state of ... For example, the Otomi were told, what are the other players in the field of Cloud:. IaaS. and. PaaS. According to David all the same for future applications based on. PaaS. , And of course for razrabotkiprilozheny on this principle is the best suited. Windows. Azure. According Cheppel, applications based on. PaaS. have several advantages, including:.

  • more control.

  • better scalability.

  • Excellent expandability.

  • High Security.

Upon completion of the report, David was given a set of questions. Almost all, David has successfully coped. Those questions that vyzvaliopredelennye complexity or demanded long answers were in the lobby perenesenyDevidom (alas, but after the report Cheppel mysteriously somewhere toischez ). In principle, the seminar can be considered quite successful. Bylidany detailed characteristics. SaaS. as well as basic concepts. PaaS. ,. IaaS. and. Windows. Azure. Well, except we had the opportunity to meet and see the speaker and vzhivuyuprekrasnogo. IT. - guruDevida Cheppela!.

And finally, I certainly had sfotkatsya with David!.

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