Friday, May 25, 2012

The program GDD- 2010 and other news

Preparations for the Google Developer Day 2010 Russia is in full swing, and today we are announcing the conference program. It can be found at:. www. google. ru/gdd2010. ( learn it - the full link to long ), which will soon also be available descriptions of performances, biographies of speakers and lots of other.

This year, the days are a developer, in addition to Russia (Moscow), and also in. Czech Republic ( Prague). ,. Germany ( Munich). ,. Brazil ( Sao Paulo). and. Japan ( Tokyo). We have prepared a rich. program. - Because you want so much to tell and show - which we hope will be of interest to all present. Talk about everything, of course, does not succeed, because the GDD - one-day conference, but we selected the best.

In general, emphasis will be on three topics (which will run three parallel streams ):.

  • Android. The platform is rapidly gaining momentum, and we want to talk about its success and continue the conversation with you, the developers of applications for Android. We will share news, as well as carry out the section devoted to the performance of Android, user experience platform and tips for creating killer applications, as well as delve into a new feature of the OS - send commands directly from the cloud to the device (. Cloud to Device Messaging. Or C2DM).

  • Chrome and HTML5. We will discuss how to write an application for. Chrome Web Store. (. Russian name has not yet come up, help. ) And accelerate the development and application performance. We clearly demonstrate which aspects of HTML5,. Developer tools in Chrome. and. Native Client. can bring you a favor in your projects. Finally, we will talk about authorization, and everything associated with it and show where and when to use different tools authorization and how they integrate with our services and API.

The main part of the intake section of the demo ( opening ) will hold tolite Eric (Erik Tholome), director of product developers, to help him be Evgeny Sokolov, Ph. D, - head of the Moscow center of the development of Google, - and other speakers. Almost all of the sections will be conducted in English, and we will provide simultaneous translation - if necessary you can take the receiver and headphones.

Last year we held the first section devoted to venture funds and startups, and it generated much interest. This year we once again invite the venture capital fund to talk about what they are looking to start-ups and to answer your questions.

Many sections will also contain a statement of local developers who use Google's technology in their projects. If you would like to speak to one of the sections with a history of success, practical advice and examples of the development of our tools, please contact us at developerdayru @ google. com, and we will review your application.

The program provides space for the ' Corner Open House ' - a place where at certain times of the speakers will answer your questions and solve your problems (or almost ). Schedule corner will be available later - then be sure to check what time it will be necessary to you a representative of Google. Googlers can be seen in the crowd - safely come and ask questions.

Also at the conference a separate thread will perform Russian. GTUG. and (Google Technology User Groups - a group of developers ) from different cities of Russia. They talk about their projects, share their experiences and help you find ( or have ) GTUG in your city. Be sure to look for them!.

GDD in this year will be held at the Exhibition Center Crocus Expo ( 65-66 km. Ring Road, next to the subway ' Myakinino ').

We plan to open registration on 22 September. Stay tuned in. blog Google Russia. on. site GDD. or on Twitter. @ gddru. (our hash -. ).

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