Saturday, May 26, 2012

10 days in the Microsoft

a. The very first impression of Microsoft - is the mass of information, tons, gigabytes and terabytes, and that there is more, all need to learn and understand. No one tried to drink from a fire hydrant?. (The comparison is not mine, but I really like. ). If you want to get an idea of ​​how much information is necessary to assimilate newcomers to Microsoft, you can try:) A lot of courses, documents, presentations and videos on a variety of.

2. The second impression, which is increasingly growing: Microsoft is very well organized. If anyone doubted it, I can assure - the organization is at a very high level, ranging from organizing a conference -calls and the little things ( important and nice ) like sliced ​​lemon slices in the kitchen (with good coffee, which is also important ). Business processes, planning marketing campaigns and organization of meetings - all very well adjusted and taken very logical and understandable. On the question of ' drinking water from a hydrant ...

3. Frankly, I first saw what. is really powerful stuff. Exchange, and to be honest, I was pleasantly surprised that it can be used to meet the needs of the rapid exchange of information in such an information- intensive companies such as Microsoft. On the other hand, it is not surprising, it is likely he grew from local needs, where else can use it to its fullest.

4. Despite the high degree of organization, do not feel that you have enlisted in the army:) Honestly, I was afraid of this option. In my previous experience working in large organizations, the lack of ability to organize work is often compensated by the abundance of overt and covert ' charters ' and some psevdovoenschiny. Thank God, there is no such.

5. In Microsoft democratic manners. This applies to the dress code, and everyday language. There are a lot of young guys (and girls, and cute:)). All the ' you ', immediately and without brotherhood:). However, it is typical for U.S. companies (not all, of course).

6. Now open for immediate work:. SS and SaaS in full work in Russia. That which is not expected to see, so that the ' software as a service ' now actually works and people are already earning him. In those days they had become acquainted with. incubation center for S S. Created in a partnership of Microsoft and Parking. ru, the approach has a couple of points. As reference, I will write about them and about the practical implementation of more specific SS. T. e. while most thoughtful vendors scratching their head, that is SS and SaaS, and how to cook, nimble explorers have gathered the cream.

7. Another opening for business - Microsoft delivers software to rent. Honestly, did not know it, here is the true cross, do not think for advertising:). If you're hosting company or simply own a pair of servers in a rack, you can make a deposit to rent software in much the same, as does the hoster infobox: here we go. http://infobox. ru / business_solutions / virtual_office /. , Look at the 1C- accounting for Terminal Service ( who's afraid to recover the computer? Here is the solution:).

8. Do not open, and the confirmation of the thesis that ' a small world, like a suitcase ' - has found friends who work in MS. Still, the IT community, we are not very large. All the more reason to meet more often:).

9. A small addition to opening for democracy - it's full of people with the iPhone ( which I recently joined). By the way, just be friends on iPhone with Exchange. However, I still get the corporate HTC and play with the new Win Mobile.

10. And finally: Windows 7 - not a bad thing:) It works smartly and new pieces, Druk it useful and cute. So I have Vista, it seems, did not popolzuyut, just moved from XP to 7- ku.

PS Continue ' Three Men in a server ' - tonight!.

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