Saturday, April 28, 2012

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Intel named the top three IT- development last year in the CIS

In 2010,. specialists of computer companies have brought to the markets of CIS countries, many of its original design of computing devices in all market segments - servers and superclusters, desktops, computers, ... storage devices. and m. Dr.. The experts reviewed 38 models of special interest with regard to impact on the PC market.

In February, 2011. Intel's leadership in Russia and other CIS countries agreed to note the development of four companies:.

  • GC IVS ( Russia ) The equipment, ...

  • ...

  • ...

  • In the nomination ...

Intel sees broad prospects for development of MeeGo. This operating system is open source, and therefore improve it and create it for each application can. Even today, many developers it employs. Intel welcomes and supports the interest of domestic producers to MeeGo and is pleased to note that this operating system is becoming increasingly popular.

Winners will receive award certificates corporations, as well as an opportunity to jointly undertake activities to promote these products. High representatives of the companies whose designs were awarded prizes, made ​​the following statements about Intel and its partners.

Sergei Kiryushkin, Executive Director, SC ITT:.

Co GC IVS and Intel lasts more than 15 years. For us, Intel has always been and remains an important strategic partner. Together we are working with educational institutions in Perm Krai. We are encouraged by the enthusiasm of teachers who learn with interest the new practical approaches to learning and transfer of knowledge to children.

Current government initiatives in education requires analysis of the current educational environment and the development of technological tools, techniques, training, technical support. In this respect, partnership with Intel has shown high efficiency. We have developed a model of the IT infrastructure of schools, based on the number of schools began a pilot implementation of its constituent parts.

We are pleased that the best schools in Perm were pilot sites for the approbation of modern achievements. In high school № 2 implemented technology -based interactive scheduling systems, and the rostrum, the exchange of information with educational telecommunications network www. web2edu. ru, which is part of our integrated complex. Students of the school № 135 learn the basics of robotics using netbooks school ClassMatePC.

We are confident that the future of learning, where the center is the pupil. We need to develop its strengths, to use an individual approach. And the Intel help give students a quality modern education.

Alexei Shmelev, Executive Director of ...

Intel Xeon servers. 5600 series, but also a vivid example of the success of our collaboration with Intel as a supplier of industry-leading architectures and technologies for high performance computing. Our plans for this year - to increase the performance of supercomputer system in the South Ural State University for more than 4 times (up to 104TFLOPS), as well as the development of a new supercomputer architecture design solutions based on Intel processors, codenamed Sandy Bridge.

George Cherniavsky, chairman of the board of directors of the ...

To date, the Ukrainian market ImPAD - the only solution with features tablet PCs. In contrast to the few suggestions of other companies, which can be viewed primarily as a mobile device for reading, working with the web and watching videos, ImPAD has a much higher performance and functionality. Thanks to the powerful device for this type of processor Intel Atom N450, Windows and special programs, the tablet has a number of advantages, in particular, are used in business processes. With ImPAD can not only work with standard e-mail messages and reading the news, but the full document editing, use of a wide range of various applications that create PDF files, presentations, etc. Dr.. In addition, ImPAD supports most common audio and video formats and is equipped with connectors for external devices, has a high capacity HDD (320 GB ), 3G- modem module Wi-Fi, large screen (10.1 ... For the convenience of working with the Windows interface ImPAD has a special add- Blue Dolphin, which greatly facilitates the users to work with the display ... We believe that ImPAD - a lightweight and modern alternative to laptops and netbooks.

Sergei Suvorov, CEO of iRu.

MeeGo is an excellent choice of operating system. Its distinctive features - speed and ease of use, user-friendly interface and fast- growing ecosystem of.

Source: Lenta. ru, Intel.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Cloud technology is already in your home

As explained by the producers themselves, it is easy to deploy, configure and use, software Pogoplug Beta transform your home or office computer into a personal ...

Immediately after installing the Pogoplug Beta on your PC the user can access data on the hard drive from anywhere in the world and from virtually any device. The manufacturer has already announced a client application for mobile devices iPhone, iPad and Android, with which you can, for example, to organize streaming audio and video materials listed in the Soup. Media content can also be transmitted to the gaming console Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, TV, connected to the Internet and modern media players.

However, this list of product features is not limited to. Pogoplug Beta can also be used to display documents on a remote printer (provided the pre- installed on the PC hard drive special drivers ), provides ample opportunities of interaction with files and boasts support for any external drives connected to your computer.

Unfortunately, at present, product testing is carried out behind closed doors. Interested users to register on. the official site. and patience in waiting for an invitation. Of course, the proposed ...

Desktop application Pogoplug Beta is compatible with operating systems Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7, as well as Mac OS X 10. 6 and later versions.

Source: DownloadSquad, SoftLine.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Developing applications for Windows Azure.

Today I begin a series of articles that try to tell about the features of advanced application development platform, Windows Azure.
And should start first thing in the design. At the design stage is necessary in general to understand whether you need an application or a cloud still possible to do using standard. You can grow long discussion about the pros and cons of hosting applications in the cloud. My personal opinion: if you are going to develop an application that will run on a single server and turn the simplest way, perhaps it's not a cloud for you. If you require the following features like:.

  1. reliability.

  2. scalability.

  3. availability.

, Then a better solution than the cloud you will not find. Улыбка
So, we decided to write an application for the cloud. Immediately encounter the following problems:.

  1. First you develop a highly scalable cloud applications, and this in turn imposes certain limitations and peculiarities of the process itself.

  2. Second to consider the very model of development Windows Azure, which involves the design and choice of roles (and you can select either Web- role or the role of Worker- or VM- role).

  3. In the end, should consider a mechanism of communication between the roles, good, Windows Azure provides you with stunning features (Windows Azure Queues, for example).

Do not forget that Azure is amazing flexible platform. You do not necessarily make the entire application to the cloud. With the help of these wonderful technologies as Windows Azure AppFabric and Windows Azure Connect can be combined cloud application with an application on your own servers, and it will work as a whole ( for example, can make data storage on your own server, while processing of the place in .
All the same basic design in the cloud application - it is scalable. I see that the main objective of the project Azure - this is an incredible opportunity to scale your application, so you as a developer, need to think in the context of this advantage and to develop the application, taking into account the fact that maybe it will work on a set of physical machines.
Well, another feature - a development with regard to the cost. Here is a whole new dimension to most modern programmers, never before have we thought about the fact that the characteristics of the design may depend on the cost of support and maintenance. In the context of Windows Azure is a mega topical.
The first thing to note in the development - is that real estate development in the process you use the same tools you use your experience in developing and debugging applications. In fact, for the development you need to install Windows Azure SDK and Windows Azure Visual Studio Tools, and then you get a new template in VS2010. By the way, promised in the near future to integrate the Windows Azure templates and Visual Studio without the need for additional installation. Also at the last PDC was announced IntelliTrace support in the cloud, it means that you can collect debugging information directly from the cloud.
So, create a project, press F5 and see how our application is compiled using the utility CSPack formed package is loaded into the local environment - emulation of the clouds, the so-called Development Fabric. In parallel, we have started a local emulation of Windows Azure Storage, entitled Development Storage.

Dev Storage And Dev Fabric

I will not go into much features of Dev Fabric and Dev Storage, because I think most of you are familiar with this.
At the last PDC was significantly expanded Server Explorer, were added to the possibility of monitoring the status of your application in the cloud as well as a convenient viewer for your Windows Azure Storage.

Server Explorer

So, we wrote, tested our application. It's time zadeploit it to the cloud. The first option is to create a package and manually load it on the dev- portal.

Creating New Hosted Service
Here we specify the formal parameters such as service name, the label deploymenta. As well as the package itself, the configuration file, url to be used for access to the application, the geographical location of your service, and a slot where you download the package ( either immediately or on a test Productions slot). In general, I would recommend the following approach to the development and unfolding of your application:.

Stages Of Service Deployment

If you follow this sequence, the first thing we develop and test the application on the local emulators: Development Fabric and Development Storage. As soon as we can see that the application works correctly excluded from the process of trying to Development Storage. and work directly with the cloud version of Windows Azure Storage. If at this stage there is no malfunction of the system is fully translate the project into a cloud, first deploying to a test slot (Staging Slot). At this stage, carried out a final check of the application before it is translated to the stage Productions - in fact the system to boot slot Productions.
So, after successfully downloading the package, we patiently wait for 12-15 minutes and get a working cloud application output:.

Hosted Service on Development Portal

This is the first version of the deployment of applications and to me very out of date in terms of the availability of better and more progressive way of. I mean automatically build the project in the package and automatically fill in this package directly from the studio. All this is done by Windows Azure Service Management API. To begin with, we need a certificate. Sorry, wrong 2 Certificate. Let's start with the first, which must be added to the dev- site in the section Management Certificates.

Certificate Management

As you can see I have already installed the certificate in this section. I created it on your local machine using standard IIS. Further more, we need a 2nd certificate, which is set for each service in Azure. To do this, I went to the menu Publish your project and added a new user-friendly wizard by kridenshialy.
Automatic Cloud Publishing

In the process of adding new kridenshialov You can generate a certificate that is installed in the certificate store of the local user. It is from this store we have in the next step will be to export the newly created certificate as a pfx- file.

Certificate Exporting

And to fill this pfx- file on the dev- portal.

Certificate Importing on Development Portal

The installation process is a trusted relationship between Visual Studio and Windows Azure is over. As a result, we get this box set, which indicates a successful operation.

Publish Cloud Service

Click OK, if we are satisfied with the target slot, and the label deploymenta and see how the studio and build it all for us deploit.

Windows Azure Activity Log

During the process of unfolding can monitor both the Windows Azure Activity Log, and from the Server Explorer, well, actually from the dev- portal.
At this point I would like to conclude this post, dedicated to design, develop and expand the applications for the Windows Azure platform. In subsequent posts will try to tell you about the peculiarities of working with Windows Azure Storage, Windows Azure AppFabric and other interesting cloud technologies. Thank you for your attention!. Улыбка

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Sunset on the Baltic Sea

And some photos of twilight prom.


Powered by: Hotels in Svetlogorsk. Russian Style. and. Home storyteller. All hotels can be found. here.

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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

' Mamba ' has launched an online game LoveCity

The company ' Mamba ' completes testing of massively multiplayer online social game (MMSOG) LoveCity, developed in conjunction with IT-Territory. The project, submitted as unique in its kind, aims to further monetize the user base ' Mamba ' and, as expected by its founders, will generate about $ 100 thousand. on a monthly basis by the summer.

The game is designed for users Mamba. py, and is available at city. mamba. ru no additional registration. So far, judging by the counters on the LoveCity, joined the game for more than 300 thousand. users, the vast majority of them - female.

According to the President ' Mamba ' Nikita Sherman, the game ' imprisoned ' in the first place at the girls, so its design and interface have tried to make as clear and simple. ' The game is designed for mainstream users, not gamers ' - he said.

... players during the 2008. In addition, the game - it is additional income for the partners ' Mamba ' - says Sherman. This is the most modest projections - at a press conference at the start LoveCity he said that after the integration with all partner sites (at first small, then large portals), according to his expectations, the game will join about half of the nine millionth audience ' Mamba '.

Earning the creators of the project ( which is controlled by a joint venture ' Mamba ' and IT-Territory) are planning on paying opportunities for players and sales of in-game advertising space ( in all possible formats). One of the first advertisers was the network of movie theaters ' Formula Kino ...

Monday, April 16, 2012

News and rumors.

Two words about the systems avtoprodvizheniya. Conventionally, the mechanism of their work can be divided into two parts: the purchase and Filtering. Not to say that the average SEO job very different from this, but in general are missing the most important - a synergy of internal and external promotion, since such a system can not change the site. But that's okay. So the system buys XXX links, and then after a week of the throws. In their place to buy new, then re- throws. And so until there is a set of options that meet the criteria of. Hands - not those who roookie, as usual - such filtering is done quickly. So you save money every one. And, of course, returning to the synergies, manual advance of about five times is cheaper if you by accident fell into the hands мегасуперпупервылизанноочищенный site.

Kuznetsov, who. control - tse. , Is selling his blog ( 60tyr ) and another project ( 80tyr ) for vosmesyachnuyu return for family reasons. Blog - the acquisition of a dubious, but the second draft of the interesting. If you are investing in long-term projects - take a look.

Maul is silent. Do not be silent - say something. We do, damn, going through!.

Yandex has launched a new algorithm. Yandex has to give a lot of ups sickle. Yandex is. Yandex se. Yandex zohaval world! . We are waiting for the official point of view. While on the other side, too, the silence. Or Maul bought Yandex? .

But not silent Gharb. Carts at a conference in Spain dorveyschikov. or Portugal. Conference of the night and secret. We are waiting for news. Intruguyusche, sho pesdets.

Globator. There is no news, but I have suddenly emerged two questions. Why so few comments. This is the first. And what was podeb of Gusarov 's blog Terekhov, that he is not throwing as Shakin advertisers. I'm confused, and just ideals are crumbling before my eyes. Explain!.

My friend went to Barcelona. Not for the conference dorveyschikov, and just relax with your family. A ticket for four people from Gdansk to Barcelona by plane was worth it to 6700 ( and this is a normal flight, not charter). Fly to Moscow, one economy class, buying a ticket for two weeks, is almost the same. Where is the logic? .

Today, somewhere on the coast of the Baltic Artek was opened, which began its existence with the action 'to make the four friends to buy a ticket and ride for free '. So I think what will be doing 20 days in young people between 14 and 30 (!) Years old, living in tents? . So we wish them good luck!.

And today is no longer news. Tomorrow, summing up the competition King of the Hill and a couple of announcements.

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How do I transfer bookmarks from FireFox, Google Chrome

When switching from one browser to another any Internet user. seeks to preserve. and. transfer bookmarks.

In this article I will discuss how. transfer bookmarks. From Firefox to Google Chrome.


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Conversion in the commercial sector - the subjective depending on the example of travel agencies

The basic scheme of work with the promotion is to surges of traffic to the site and then converting it into orders by the managers. But here and start tricks. Not all traffic is equally good, even if the same methods produced.

I do not know, as in other areas of business, but the booking of hotels in different cities is of great importance popularity of individual hotels. The explanation is simple: in some cities as people go into the city, and in part, after reading reviews and having recommendations - in particular the hotel. Thus, site- specific aggregator often lose site of the hotel. Not for the traffic! . The standard way of such a buyer is that search - site aggregator - search - site of hotel. T. e. on the selection of the aggregator is a hotel or statement in mind, it 's recommended that we need a hotel, and then the search is conducted has contacts of the hotel.

It should be said that the client has come down to the call, as a rule, does the order. Hence the most important moment for the aggregator is to convince the client to make a call the call center. The main movements are not the assistant tour operator for the site, but rather - bad service hotel reservations department: always busy phone rudeness, unwillingness to serve the customer and m. n. Often, the hotel is trying to sell the more expensive room, or hold down the customer's terms. And chipped a client immediately goes to the mediator. But not at this hotel, but for the other. According to our research, the client can make 5-7 phone calls to various hotels, to make the final choice.

The main client, leaving the call is the one who thinks that calling the hotel. The percentage of callers who realize that calling a travel agency, is relatively low - 10-30 % of total. All the rest think that calling the hotel. And if you tell them that this is not a hotel - one of the two immediately hangs up.

We get around this structure customers:.
1) 20 % of those who understand that calls to the travel agency. Part - 80-90 %.
2) 70% of those who think that calling the hotel. Approximately 30% of the breaks, the remaining book.
3) 10% of callers in despair - all the other broken off their options: whether or not the desired locations in the hotel, or just tired of wasting time searching for the desired option. Order at about 2).

In another arrangement of incoming traffic. Walking at 3 ) sorted out up to three (! ) Pages in the search, to find their desired option, browsing dozens of websites looking for advice and often this client as a patient in the hospital, who had read wikipedia and advises doctors how best to treat it. So for a consumer traffic fits anywhere in the issue, but would benefit from his own hotel - I have a promotion on the client- hotel, which most of its tourists to get 20-30 seats in the issue (the budget is too tiny to drive . However, the specific flow of product from the customer just assumes that its customers for the most part and should be tehnogiki, brought up on wikipedia and reviews Learn.

Buyers are 1) the site chosen for the quality of the information provided. This is usually business people who are not inclined to spend much time on self- selection of the hotel. They sorted out in the top 3.2 site and then make a few calls. Whose choice is better, go back and. About that - the mediator is not a mediator, not zamarachivayutsya.

Buyers 2) look, as a rule, the price. The quality of the site they are not of great concern, but the position of the site in the search - worried. One of the most amazing things - the booking of hotels does not work the principle of ' low - convertibility '. More accurately stated as: ' Low - convertibility for the hotel site, high-frequency sites for mid - aggregators '. T. e. until you get one of the three sites on the base sentence, orders will not be enough, not only quantitatively but also as a percentage of. Judge of this I can quite accurately, with a rich selection of a couple of years the site has received a place in the top, dramatically increases the yield of.

Always topical question is how to improve this situation, the conversion of traffic, as the cost of the latter is fixed. On average, our cost of obtaining a visitor is about 0. 5rub. on the CEO and a. 5rub. in the context of. Normal Conversion - 1-to -20 in the season and 1-to- 40, 1-to -50 in the offseason and nekurortnyh cities. For sites in the top of bazovovoy phrase, and the sites in the 20-30 -kyo, the difference in conversion is about twice. For cities where there are untwisted hotel, and where they are not opposed to the conversion can reach 3-4 times. T. e. city, where there is a popular budget hotels will bring to the aggregator is several times smaller orders than the city where all the hotels on one person.

Conversion of sites not in the top well- adjusted using the context. Of course, visitors are more expensive, but significantly increases the average conversion. As a result, there are travel agencies, especially in resort cities that do not use seo, attracting visitors only context. However, it should be remembered that in addition to the high cost of context is still missing a lot of corny target traffic - not all are ready to click on ads, but in our area of ​​the total number of potential visitors, and so low that they squander in vain. Personally, I do not even shoot a context where there climbed into the top, because the vertical sites at different levels.

Increasing conversion in cities where there is a strong hotel can be done with the help of satellites, simulating sites of hotels, with the subsequent withdrawal of the top. Competitors try to take the top is usually a page devoted to the hotel, while the visitor is more likely to make a choice in favor of a single site. Serves as the fact that such sites are easier to bring in top hotels by name - and should take at least it.

interesting point. Reviews social networking is almost no role for site - aggregator - is that the increased attendance and a reference, but a positive effect on the conversion of the individual hotel websites.

How to use the above on your site? . His client - purchasing managers of companies across Russia: the auto centers, advertising agencies, auto services. Since the task of the manager - to find the best offer, he goes through is not the best site and spetszaprosy, and makes a wide selection and then makes her a short-list for further work is directly. The budget of funny, the total amount of 30 thousand phrases. requests per month in vordstate that has an 30-50 competition between industries.

Initially, emphasis was placed on first place in the top with his hand, and an emphasis on bass - from my. However, good results and there, and there (thank God we got them fast enough ) did not lead to an increase in conversion. Do not give anything and upgrading of the site. After a brief analysis revealed that the pricing for my client is not the best, mainly due to the vague price list. Selling only one of two popular options, the client does not consider it necessary to articulate a. As a result, lower quality version of the competitors showed the best price, but similar in quality, no one compares. We specified the price and the price reached a compromise - lined the price of competitors. As a result of these measures, the client began to receive many calls from potential buyers.

If a buyer has been the main natural and retailers, it would be selling its fignyushki and overpriced, and no adjustments - such examples, too, is in practice.

The general conclusion from all this: the client explore his client's progress. It is clear that for you to achieve results in the top of the contract. But having achieved the increase of conversion on the orders, you get something more - customer loyalty and relaxed attitude to positions in the top that only God can guarantee itself the search engine.

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Friday, April 6, 2012

Tsytaty great people in pictures

Beautiful pictures of famous people cruise statements about life, people and relationships.

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Красивые картинки со смыслом

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Prior to the flood of the moon above us there was no

Be emphasized that despite the strong evidence, many still perceive this as a hypothesis. Well, computer analysis does not convince all.

Perhaps the new methods using computer technology in some way ' lame '. But this - the logic, facts, arguments,.

Ironically, the classic history and science for many of the postulates of the main argument is that ' has always been so ', ' because it is written in such and such acclaimed author ', in the end, so long ago ' .

But any version of each is deeply respected ancient scholar, historian and philosopher - author! . Nevertheless, it is perceived today as almost the protocol document and retold as an axiom.

And the legends, myths, legends - on the contrary, are fairy tales.

Obviously, it's time to rethink and change some of the established approaches.

For comparison, recall the events in our country, for example, in 1991, which was contemporary with each of you reading this. From someone who was where at the time, who on whose side who is fascinated by who happened disappointed and m. Dr.. Depends on the author's version of events. And these different versions. Not because someone is lying. No, we just have different views on things.

But it was in ancient times:.

Tradition also identifies the main outcome of any historical event.

Surprisingly, some of the new biography of the Moon, whose past recreated by computer coincides with many of the facts recorded in ancient sources. A coincidence, as we know, are rarely random.


So, what earthlings have seen in the night sky for many, many centuries ago? . This notice of the ancient inhabitants of Arcadia (southern coast of Greece today ), the South African Bushman tribes, and other inhabitants of the earth.

However, traces of the tides, caused, as we know, the moon, found in very ancient rocks, which does not fit into the moonless antediluvian theory.

But if not the moon, so maybe another satellite performed its function?.

There are ancient sources, indicating that there were times when the sky ascended two moons, and even a few moons!.

Perhaps these other satellites were in charge of the young Earth tides, lunar and other ' household '.

Representatives from the great Mayan civilization left us evidence that, for example, at night, they shone Venus, the Moon and not. But, maybe, and Venus in those days was quite different than now?.

A Roman historian, believed that the flood occurred because Venus changed her color, size, shape, type and rate, which had never before ( and then ) was not.

According to the Talmud, the flood happened because of the fact that God is in the constellation has changed the location of the two stars:.

And many of the myths and legends say that the moon had risen above the horizon after the gloom enveloping the earth during the Great Flood, cleared.

So it does not become a reason for it?.

The moon has not always been a satellite of the Earth - as many believe. German astronomer Gesterkorn believes that the age of the moon is approximately equal to the age of the Earth. According to him, the moon after its birth was rotated to an orbit around the Earth at a distance of two Earth diameters.

Once close to the outer body of the moon flew the huge size, resulting in a shifted, moved the primary lunar orbit. Moved in the direction of the Earth. And changing the distance between Earth and the Moon has been such that the moon is smaller than Earth, has got ' captured ' gravity.

And then the moon showed everything that is capable of. That she became Lady groundwater (after all, land on the planet not so much) and Liquid underground structures. Her approach has caused a huge and widespread in planetary scale, tidal waves, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.

Wave height of the cliff soared upwards flew, absorbing land and destroying everything in its path. Volcanoes throw out the vents, the hot magma and water boiled around. Firmament trembled and cracked, went out from under his feet, revealing the depth of their terrible depths, where everything is moved and bubbled.

Thus, the opinion of many astronomers of ancient legends and stories are practically identical to that of the moon before the flood on the earth's horizon and it was after the flood, it appeared. Knowing now what ' responsible ' night shining, it is easy to assume that, most likely, a new location in space of the moon as a satellite of the Earth and has led to a catastrophe like the Great Flood.


The most common version of the origin of the Moon - the above. That is, the moon - another formerly independent, and then accidentally got into the zone of gravity cosmic body.

The most extravagant hypothesis that the moon - an artificially created by members of the higher mind cosmic body. There are their base, including earth observation, space launch and other.

This second version, in turn, is divided into two no less extraordinary subversion. One assumes that the basis of the moon - after all natural, it's just a cosmic body displayed on the orbit and utilized to the extent in which you want.

Supporters of the other subversion believe that the moon - do not the planet, and a giant UFO, disguised, disguised as a lifeless planet cooled down - satellite.

HG Wells, who described the famous novel of the lunar inhabitants, swarming under the thickness of lunar soil - a science fiction writer.

But according to recent studies, it is to invent, invent, compose the original meaning of these words, a person can not. He only takes the information, no one is connected to superbrain, supercomputer, to non- limited, unlimited bank information. And just draws out.

Daniil Andreyev also paid attention to the moon and its inhabitants in his ' Rose of the World '. Information is gathered, as they say, a contact method, which he himself has repeatedly stressed. And in many respects it coincides with the description of Wells ( whose intuition is affected Andreev, stressing that it is more typical, and exclaim rationalistic thinking).


In recent years, more and more often, more openly and at a high level, discusses the problem of meteor danger that the Earth is not so ephemeral.

Meteorite - the so -called small cosmic body. Small compared to the massive planets. But, being quite a decent size, a ' small ' body may fall to Earth ' effect ' of the atomic bomb:.

Where are the small body? .

But the Earth - cosmic body, from which can also break away, break away and indulge in some piece of drift space, including a very large.

In the last issue of ' HM ' published material ' Butterfly ' - a trick '. Its author, Anatoly Chernyaev believes the object is Tungus fallen fragment of an unknown celestial body, but the gravitational fireball is born the Earth itself. In his version, a large part of the earth tore the flesh ( the reasons for this, see this publication) of the planet near the Tunguska taiga and climbed up. But for various reasons to retire to a safe distance from Earth to this earthly fragment failed, and he briefly held out in the ' limbo ' state, soon collapsed. Not on another planet, and at his home.

Witnesses close ' start ' of such an object could not be. If any were, they were killed.

And those who then saw something far away in the sky, could not assume that this meteorite - in the literal sense of the Tungus. It just dropped, going back, torn powerful gravitational burst from the root of the taiga, the fact that at first powerfully plucked out of himself, and then let go near our Earth.

Some people seem to be some more convincing versions about the origin of the Tunguska object. We will not insist on anything.

We note simply that the mere fact of birth of meteorites in the same way the Earth is possible, as the birth of their other celestial bodies.

So why not assume that once a huge part of our planet's split from her and was ejected into space? . And he became a satellite of the planet, it gave rise.

IN TANK CAN survive.

Daniil Andreyev, among many epithets and characteristics ( unflattering ), which he gives selenite, calls them all the same lunar humanity. It's strange, because when he emphasizes loyalty to their description in the same Wells.

But Wells describes nasekomoobraznost appearance of the lunar inhabitants, the ability to transform their bodies, depending on the problem ( sort of ), their dwelling within the moon, whose surface is at first glance seems lifeless. With us - very little in common.

So people or bad people? .

Let's remember two things.

The first. Noah, as you know, trying to warn other people about what has become known to himself, - of an impending flood and the need to build an ark. He just did not believe.

The second. At all times, as now, not all people are trying to warn others of impending danger. Especially 'do not sin ' that the powers that be. They have at all times - special protection, special precautions and secrecy, privacy, privacy.

What do the modern inhabitants of the Earth to protect against a possible nuclear war, the consequences of man-made disasters or space? . The deep, large (the size of the city) and a very strong. Modern technologies allow to years, decades and even centuries to live a completely stand-alone deep in the earth, producing oxygen and water to produce all that is necessary for life. Of course, not all of humanity, but only ' selected '.

During the Cold War, many Americans have constructed bunkers in their homes under the. But the huge and modern luxury superosnaschennye bunkers - a high level of space technology.

The real history of the Earth gives us the evidence that to us on this planet lived not only apemen, compared with today 's flattering to our vanity, but also highly developed civilization, the level many of which we have not yet achieved and it is unknown whether the generally reach.


What if part of some ancient highly developed civilization of the earth, its elite, warning of impending disaster, prefer a more secure bunkers, and not fragile ark?.

Then happened something like this. Scientists realized that civilization that turbulent processes zemletvoreniya ( accompanied by eruptions of terrestrial and submarine volcanoes, movements of entire continents, and the emergence of flooding from the ocean depths of huge pieces of sushi ) move to a disastrous climax.

They calculated the location and species that are likely to remain, survive. And bunkers were constructed there. At the critical moment they descended fairly numerous elite of the society with even more numerous attendants, and the approximate.

At first everything went as expected. Somewhere raged violent elements, but here it was quiet and safe.

But once all trembled, and stirred. Part of the premises was to crumble. Before frozen in terror of people who considered themselves to be saved, because the tank was tested for the strength of many of the elements of the earth raged, came roaring sound, which has previously never heard of.

Many thought that their city - hopper along with rock, which is firmly imbedded, sinks to the bottom of the ocean. Waist or its underground boiling lava flows and magma tremendous earthquakes, volcanic.

Withstand the overpressure and the walls sverhtemperatury? .

Life support and monitoring devices like mad. First, according to their testimony it appeared that the tank is moving rapidly, flames. And then he slowed down, being in a strange cold space.

In outer space!.

This is a huge walled tank was just in that part of the planet, which broke away from the Earth and turned into a giant meteorite. Dispersed in space, he suddenly jerked, as if someone pulled him by the rope, and slowed. Pokuvyrkatsya in an attempt to break the stranglehold of gravity, the lump resigned and made his first lap around the Earth as its companion.

This is only a reconstruction of the events alleged. But it could be. Inside a giant shard of the Earth, inside a huge UFO, people can survive. And they can continue to exist under the new conditions.

Imagine their feelings when they decided to use a device that can be like a periscope to see what's out there. When they all saw, counted, and understand:.

Impossible to consider such a strong gradual change in the appearance of the former inhabitants of the Earth (if the rights of Wells ), who are selenite, it is impossible.

This is not a problem on Earth. In the backward tribes, in some religious orders and organizations, in some oases, especially refined aesthetics and culture existed, and portrayed in ways to change a person's appearance, on the basis of the tasks. Special pads on the feet of girls to the foot remained a small, special hoops around their necks, they lengthen enormously, and m. Dr.. It is based on the fact that ' beauty demands victims '.

There are all kinds of barrels, boxes, chains, hoops, bands and other arsenal, specifically children with disfiguring birth, to make them professional beggars, cripples. This is the formation of ' professional characteristics ':.

If we consider the special conditions of the moon, probably took place in an emergency splash of scientific thought, the inhabitants of the lunar ark, their desire to survive at any cost (ie, at the expense of others), then giving someone the right shape in the right order - a thing not improbable.

If people on Earth could cripple their own kind, in the circumstances of lunar souped selenite is also not ordered. But it could still be the natural mutation (the conditions, it is quite different from the Earth ), genetic tests and t. Dr..


Perhaps the former, we broke away from the Earth has changed and become ' strangers '. Most likely, the moon is inhabited. Or, at least, is kind of manned orbiting space station.

Those earthlings who landed on the surface of this satellite in our time, we saw traces ' of the tank ', then some great sites, watching for their expedition. They heard talks ' strangers ', found a strange transparent glass in the form of a prism, which, according to our estimates, billions of years, and orange glass figures or fragments thereof:.

From outer space orbit and on Earth there were numerous flights of UFOs as spaceships accompanied the inhabitants of the Earth, and flying over the lunar surface, regardless of our actions.

On the Moon, seen as some ' land on the moon ' or taking off, and surface structure of objects, units, devices, whose significance was not understood.

In NASA has a very impressive shots, most of which are classified. But a small part of these photographs gives professionals a reason to say that a lunar landscape is very different from the desert landscape and the constant cold of the planet uninhabitable.

It turns out that the moon is built up some sort of architectural and other facilities. A set of transparent domes, two- and three-story ' barracks ', a triangular structure, tower, bridge: This is comparable to the Earth's architecture. And the dome is so impressive size that can cover an entire city.

All of this fits into the hypothesis that the moon - to break away part of the Earth, after all these monuments could be built ' in the image and likeness ' of the earth by those earthlings who once was forced to involuntarily absorb newly formed outer body.

The idea of ​​the huge dome is today regarded as one of the key to saving lives and the continuation of life on Earth in the case of a planetary ecological or climatic catastrophe. Rather, she came into the heads of Earthlings, and caught the first lunar residents. The same bunker, only to surface.

Perhaps some part of man-made objects seen on the lunar surface - the debris is the same, highly antiquated human civilization.

But the fact is that the images recorded changes in the same lunar landscapes, transformation, movement, movement! .

Some researchers believe the huge tracks, pipes and equipment part of the existing facilities. All of this works, biting into the lunar rocks and in some way, giant portions, converting it. Why? .

Another feature: on some installations, located on high ground, found linking them to each other ropes, wires or lines of communication:.

Also on the moon seen a strange light. Highlighted in blue ' signal ' cross, fixed in a variety of. Some of the transparent dome is covered with a huge glowing platform. But it usually does not include coverage where no one:.

Another mystery. In some images are clearly visible large terrestrial letters and numbers. Perhaps this is a coincidence of the lunar landscape of natural forms, some bizarre, with earthly characters, and our imagination helpfully dorisovyvaet what is not actually.

But the earthlings, finding himself on a new satellite of the Earth, might try to return to Earth, perhaps trying to tell about yourself to those who remained on the home planet, hoping to see the giant letters of the Earth: It could be.

The Moon could well be the earthly past. Is this true? .

Tatiana Slavyanov.

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