Sunday, April 15, 2012

Conversion in the commercial sector - the subjective depending on the example of travel agencies

The basic scheme of work with the promotion is to surges of traffic to the site and then converting it into orders by the managers. But here and start tricks. Not all traffic is equally good, even if the same methods produced.

I do not know, as in other areas of business, but the booking of hotels in different cities is of great importance popularity of individual hotels. The explanation is simple: in some cities as people go into the city, and in part, after reading reviews and having recommendations - in particular the hotel. Thus, site- specific aggregator often lose site of the hotel. Not for the traffic! . The standard way of such a buyer is that search - site aggregator - search - site of hotel. T. e. on the selection of the aggregator is a hotel or statement in mind, it 's recommended that we need a hotel, and then the search is conducted has contacts of the hotel.

It should be said that the client has come down to the call, as a rule, does the order. Hence the most important moment for the aggregator is to convince the client to make a call the call center. The main movements are not the assistant tour operator for the site, but rather - bad service hotel reservations department: always busy phone rudeness, unwillingness to serve the customer and m. n. Often, the hotel is trying to sell the more expensive room, or hold down the customer's terms. And chipped a client immediately goes to the mediator. But not at this hotel, but for the other. According to our research, the client can make 5-7 phone calls to various hotels, to make the final choice.

The main client, leaving the call is the one who thinks that calling the hotel. The percentage of callers who realize that calling a travel agency, is relatively low - 10-30 % of total. All the rest think that calling the hotel. And if you tell them that this is not a hotel - one of the two immediately hangs up.

We get around this structure customers:.
1) 20 % of those who understand that calls to the travel agency. Part - 80-90 %.
2) 70% of those who think that calling the hotel. Approximately 30% of the breaks, the remaining book.
3) 10% of callers in despair - all the other broken off their options: whether or not the desired locations in the hotel, or just tired of wasting time searching for the desired option. Order at about 2).

In another arrangement of incoming traffic. Walking at 3 ) sorted out up to three (! ) Pages in the search, to find their desired option, browsing dozens of websites looking for advice and often this client as a patient in the hospital, who had read wikipedia and advises doctors how best to treat it. So for a consumer traffic fits anywhere in the issue, but would benefit from his own hotel - I have a promotion on the client- hotel, which most of its tourists to get 20-30 seats in the issue (the budget is too tiny to drive . However, the specific flow of product from the customer just assumes that its customers for the most part and should be tehnogiki, brought up on wikipedia and reviews Learn.

Buyers are 1) the site chosen for the quality of the information provided. This is usually business people who are not inclined to spend much time on self- selection of the hotel. They sorted out in the top 3.2 site and then make a few calls. Whose choice is better, go back and. About that - the mediator is not a mediator, not zamarachivayutsya.

Buyers 2) look, as a rule, the price. The quality of the site they are not of great concern, but the position of the site in the search - worried. One of the most amazing things - the booking of hotels does not work the principle of ' low - convertibility '. More accurately stated as: ' Low - convertibility for the hotel site, high-frequency sites for mid - aggregators '. T. e. until you get one of the three sites on the base sentence, orders will not be enough, not only quantitatively but also as a percentage of. Judge of this I can quite accurately, with a rich selection of a couple of years the site has received a place in the top, dramatically increases the yield of.

Always topical question is how to improve this situation, the conversion of traffic, as the cost of the latter is fixed. On average, our cost of obtaining a visitor is about 0. 5rub. on the CEO and a. 5rub. in the context of. Normal Conversion - 1-to -20 in the season and 1-to- 40, 1-to -50 in the offseason and nekurortnyh cities. For sites in the top of bazovovoy phrase, and the sites in the 20-30 -kyo, the difference in conversion is about twice. For cities where there are untwisted hotel, and where they are not opposed to the conversion can reach 3-4 times. T. e. city, where there is a popular budget hotels will bring to the aggregator is several times smaller orders than the city where all the hotels on one person.

Conversion of sites not in the top well- adjusted using the context. Of course, visitors are more expensive, but significantly increases the average conversion. As a result, there are travel agencies, especially in resort cities that do not use seo, attracting visitors only context. However, it should be remembered that in addition to the high cost of context is still missing a lot of corny target traffic - not all are ready to click on ads, but in our area of ​​the total number of potential visitors, and so low that they squander in vain. Personally, I do not even shoot a context where there climbed into the top, because the vertical sites at different levels.

Increasing conversion in cities where there is a strong hotel can be done with the help of satellites, simulating sites of hotels, with the subsequent withdrawal of the top. Competitors try to take the top is usually a page devoted to the hotel, while the visitor is more likely to make a choice in favor of a single site. Serves as the fact that such sites are easier to bring in top hotels by name - and should take at least it.

interesting point. Reviews social networking is almost no role for site - aggregator - is that the increased attendance and a reference, but a positive effect on the conversion of the individual hotel websites.

How to use the above on your site? . His client - purchasing managers of companies across Russia: the auto centers, advertising agencies, auto services. Since the task of the manager - to find the best offer, he goes through is not the best site and spetszaprosy, and makes a wide selection and then makes her a short-list for further work is directly. The budget of funny, the total amount of 30 thousand phrases. requests per month in vordstate that has an 30-50 competition between industries.

Initially, emphasis was placed on first place in the top with his hand, and an emphasis on bass - from my. However, good results and there, and there (thank God we got them fast enough ) did not lead to an increase in conversion. Do not give anything and upgrading of the site. After a brief analysis revealed that the pricing for my client is not the best, mainly due to the vague price list. Selling only one of two popular options, the client does not consider it necessary to articulate a. As a result, lower quality version of the competitors showed the best price, but similar in quality, no one compares. We specified the price and the price reached a compromise - lined the price of competitors. As a result of these measures, the client began to receive many calls from potential buyers.

If a buyer has been the main natural and retailers, it would be selling its fignyushki and overpriced, and no adjustments - such examples, too, is in practice.

The general conclusion from all this: the client explore his client's progress. It is clear that for you to achieve results in the top of the contract. But having achieved the increase of conversion on the orders, you get something more - customer loyalty and relaxed attitude to positions in the top that only God can guarantee itself the search engine.

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