Sunday, April 1, 2012

That's why so?

Written by a man happy in their own success. We assume that, if not the market leader in front of you, every pro. You go to him, and then begin evasions.

... '.

' Yes, e -May, I'm just a simple option to work. For a region such options - it's cool, but here are at your problem, I could not do it. '.

' I'd better give up. Here tricky task, and you are demanding stsuko. '.

' I thought. For me is difficult. '.

EPT. What are customers saying that? . By the way, terribly amused when a phrase is called the HF in the 5- 7tys. queries, and then recover it for the HF region. RF for the region. So far up to reach the criterion for HF in Google ' last week '.

And I do not need to say that the real pros, they are like moles under the ground and in the work of all time. This is not so. Everything is just as well. But Cho says, I will become a. There is a certain source of income that guarantees me the relative calm. And although I am - a good specialist, not only this, but everything else gradually ceases to disturb me, in principle, and I undertake such work, bude it occurs, and are extremely reluctant to request a large.

And so it turns out that these experts are gradually go out of its niche, and most of those who remain in the niche, is taken only for the most simple tasks. Remember how I talked about a scheme to promote sites in Moscow: you take the 10 projects, three is impossible to advance, they fuck with the refund, the remaining 7 bring enough money, not to mourn. The normal scheme, but what about the desire to knock his head wall to do the impossible, to crank the focus? . They do not want. Looking for a guaranteed success, peace, stability. Young but already such old men.

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