Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Intel named the top three IT- development last year in the CIS

In 2010,. specialists of computer companies have brought to the markets of CIS countries, many of its original design of computing devices in all market segments - servers and superclusters, desktops, computers, ... storage devices. and m. Dr.. The experts reviewed 38 models of special interest with regard to impact on the PC market.

In February, 2011. Intel's leadership in Russia and other CIS countries agreed to note the development of four companies:.

  • GC IVS ( Russia ) The equipment, ...

  • ...

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  • In the nomination ...

Intel sees broad prospects for development of MeeGo. This operating system is open source, and therefore improve it and create it for each application can. Even today, many developers it employs. Intel welcomes and supports the interest of domestic producers to MeeGo and is pleased to note that this operating system is becoming increasingly popular.

Winners will receive award certificates corporations, as well as an opportunity to jointly undertake activities to promote these products. High representatives of the companies whose designs were awarded prizes, made ​​the following statements about Intel and its partners.

Sergei Kiryushkin, Executive Director, SC ITT:.

Co GC IVS and Intel lasts more than 15 years. For us, Intel has always been and remains an important strategic partner. Together we are working with educational institutions in Perm Krai. We are encouraged by the enthusiasm of teachers who learn with interest the new practical approaches to learning and transfer of knowledge to children.

Current government initiatives in education requires analysis of the current educational environment and the development of technological tools, techniques, training, technical support. In this respect, partnership with Intel has shown high efficiency. We have developed a model of the IT infrastructure of schools, based on the number of schools began a pilot implementation of its constituent parts.

We are pleased that the best schools in Perm were pilot sites for the approbation of modern achievements. In high school № 2 implemented technology -based interactive scheduling systems, and the rostrum, the exchange of information with educational telecommunications network www. web2edu. ru, which is part of our integrated complex. Students of the school № 135 learn the basics of robotics using netbooks school ClassMatePC.

We are confident that the future of learning, where the center is the pupil. We need to develop its strengths, to use an individual approach. And the Intel help give students a quality modern education.

Alexei Shmelev, Executive Director of ...

Intel Xeon servers. 5600 series, but also a vivid example of the success of our collaboration with Intel as a supplier of industry-leading architectures and technologies for high performance computing. Our plans for this year - to increase the performance of supercomputer system in the South Ural State University for more than 4 times (up to 104TFLOPS), as well as the development of a new supercomputer architecture design solutions based on Intel processors, codenamed Sandy Bridge.

George Cherniavsky, chairman of the board of directors of the ...

To date, the Ukrainian market ImPAD - the only solution with features tablet PCs. In contrast to the few suggestions of other companies, which can be viewed primarily as a mobile device for reading, working with the web and watching videos, ImPAD has a much higher performance and functionality. Thanks to the powerful device for this type of processor Intel Atom N450, Windows and special programs, the tablet has a number of advantages, in particular, are used in business processes. With ImPAD can not only work with standard e-mail messages and reading the news, but the full document editing, use of a wide range of various applications that create PDF files, presentations, etc. Dr.. In addition, ImPAD supports most common audio and video formats and is equipped with connectors for external devices, has a high capacity HDD (320 GB ), 3G- modem module Wi-Fi, large screen (10.1 ... For the convenience of working with the Windows interface ImPAD has a special add- Blue Dolphin, which greatly facilitates the users to work with the display ... We believe that ImPAD - a lightweight and modern alternative to laptops and netbooks.

Sergei Suvorov, CEO of iRu.

MeeGo is an excellent choice of operating system. Its distinctive features - speed and ease of use, user-friendly interface and fast- growing ecosystem of.

Source: Lenta. ru, Intel.

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