Saturday, May 12, 2012

In Ukraine, will soon have its own solar power

The Austrian company «Activ Solar GmbH» is going to implement a pilot project for the construction of the first solar power station on the Crimean territory of Simferopol district near the village of Rodnikovoe.

Local authorities have already agreed to build a solar power (solar ) power. Station capacity of 20 MW are planning to place an object near the high of ... For this purpose, the Simferopol regional state administration and the Council of Ministers of Crimea sent an application for a 2 ha of land outside settlements Rodnikovskoye Village Council.

Austrian Energy plan to build this gelioelektrostantsiyu during the year, as soon as they get all the necessary documents to begin construction.

For its part, the chairman of the Simferopol regional state administration Viktor Pavlov in the comments the agency e -Crimea assured that the petition Rodnikovskoye village council to grant lands ... According to him, putting into operation of this facility will be able to meet about a quarter of the energy needs of Simferopol district during the winter peak loads on the electrical network.

In. Pavlov also noted that the Austrian company chose Simferopol district to implement the pilot project ... Thus, according to the company ... This figure exceeds the population in such towns as Eupatoria, Kerch, Yalta and even. In this regard, the head of the Simferopol WGA does not exclude the possibility of placing the district has two solar power plants by the Austrian company in the open, sunlit areas near high-voltage transformer substations ...

BACKGROUND. The company «Activ Solar GmbH» ( Austria) is engaged in mining quartzite silica production, installation and operation of solar energy systems and power plants and implementation of investment projects in the field of solar energy.

«Active Solar GmbH» is planning to implement in the Crimea number of investment projects to build and operate solar power plants with total capacity of 1 GW.

July 10, 2009 The Council of Ministers of Crimea his decree instructed the local authorities in conjunction with the company «Activ Solar GmbH», company « Krymenergo ...

October 30, 2009 Simferopol District Council approved a decision to support the proposals of the company «Activ Solar GmbH» for the construction of solar power plants in the district.


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